Open Trainings

If you’re interested in live, in-person trainings, but none are currently offered through your organization, consider attending a workshop that is open to the public. These offerings vary from month to month and from year to year, in a variety of locations throughout the United States (and sometimes overseas). It is often possible to schedule open workshops on demand, provided you can find enough interested people in your local area.

To view a listing of currently scheduled trainings, open to the public, visit the Event Calendar.

If you’re interested in live or online, in-person trainings for your company or organization, call 800-600-1522 or e-mail

There are Certified SAVI trainers in the United States, Canada, England, Sweden  and the Netherlands. If you would like to find a Certified SAVI Trainer in your state, province or country, Click Here.

CAUTION TO PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS: Every training featured on this site is developed and delivered by trainers who are certified in SAVI, the communication system that underlies all the skills and concepts discussed in Conversation Transformation. While some individual concepts in SAVI can be learned quickly and applied right away, mastering the entire system takes a year or more of concentrated study. For that reason, all instructors must complete a comprehensive certification program before advertising and teaching SAVI classes. Non-authorized instructors are in violation of the SAVI copyright and trademark, and are not reliable sources of training. Please keep this in mind when signing up for any SAVI training program.